“I Wonder” Endorsement From Betsy Brown Braun

Betsy Brown Braun is a Child Development and Behavior Specialist. She is author of the best sellers Just Tell Me What to Say and You’re Not the Boss of Me.

“What a special book I Wonder is. The gentle text is like climbing into a warm bath, and the illustrations are just delicious—each is a complete work of art. I look forward to sharing I Wonder with my clients, as the message of the book is of critical importance.”—Betsy Brown Braun

Guest Post: “Stardust” by Neil Shubin

An excerpt from The Universe Within
by Neil Shubin

All the galaxies in the cosmos, like every creature on the planet, and every atom, molecule, and body on Earth are deeply connected. That connection begins at a single point 13.7 billion years ago…

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